Hello blogging world. It has been a while since I last puked my inner most thoughts on to a web page. I know your all dying to know what’s going on in my unfathomable and insightful mind these past two weeks. In all honesty not a lot has been going on in my head. I have been thinking about time a lot. It is interesting how we all go by a system of time. We all go through high school at the same age and then everyone goes through college at the same age and then everyone gets married at the same age. Now there are quite a lot of exceptions considering most people do things at different times in their life (I am so indecisive its outlandish). It is interesting though how we all go by a similar time line.
Where the heck am I going with this…
I think the direction I should be going with this post is about living in the now. Now (haha I said now twice and got away with it) living in the now is sometimes confusing to me. If I only live in the now how can I see what’s coming? I think living in the now is only taking one step at a time and thinking what direction you are going to step. For example: if there was a car coming right at you and I was just living in the exact now it would probably hit you. So I think that living now is totally of God and what we are supposed to do with our lives, but I also think that God would wants us to look at the ground we are walking on if there is a hole a couple of steps in front of us. I think it is fine to be cautionary with our steps. I hope this makes sense to you all because it only kind of makes since to me.

Well that sucks because I am the smartest person in the blogging world and if I don’t get it well then…you get my point.
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