Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Angel

I apologize for the story postponement you all had to undergo, but I contain this metal plate within my head and each time I am around a microwave I damp my self and forget my name for thirty-minutes. Long story short (well I guess it isn’t a long story then) I am the third Samuel in the Mcvay family hierarchy. So my whole entire life I am known as the third, remind you I will always be third never, ever, eternally, always forever be second(?)*. I came to a lackluster** realization that I am of no significance, and I suck. So as I found myself gazing downward through the open end of a 12-gauge I saw an Angel emerge from the fourth dimension to the third.I know what your thinking, and yes the Angel was in the open end of the 12-gauge. The Angel said, “ Samuel, you are of significance, and you don’t suck. You are the third, so we shall call you the charm for third times a charm.” That’s pretty much how life really got started for me. Since then I’ve always found the answer to my problems in the open end of a 12-gauge.

*I really have no idea.
**Ya, I said it.

1 comment:

Ted Kriwiel said...

gauge has a u in it.

notice the U - apply the U - become better person.

It makes since