Sunday, August 24, 2008


First and foremost I want the creator of the blog world to know that I am writing this against my own will. It is funny to me that when we are young it’s a big deal to have a best friend (laugh)(when I put in parenthesis an emotion that is what you should be feeling when you read, so just in case you don’t know what your supposed to feel I will remind you). I mean when you are caught in second grade without a best friend or up to sixth grade for that matter you emotionally get beat to a pulp (sad). So all my life growing up I always made sure I had a best friend even if it was an imaginary friend. Now for most normal people they stop doing the bff thing in high school. I mean it makes complete and logical since. Once you are in high school you get lots of new friends and tend to start going your separate ways like oil and water. Unfortunately I am not very logical or smart or good looking or talented or handsome or quick witted or strong or manly or dark or a crowd follower insecure freak of nature! (exhale) Even though there are a lot of good things that I’m not there was one bad thing that I’m not and that is a follower. I am individualistic. So with great individualistic ability comes great individualistic responsibility. Actually that does not make since and I don’t believe it so ignore that last lil tid bit (laugh). I am going to come out of the closet. I am 18 and still have a best friend!! Yeah I know it’s beyond believing. Just go ahead and let it soak in real deep. I wont write out his name for the sake of identity theft (Edward Oliver Kriewel…aka Teddy). We have been best friends ever since I can remember. He is now off to college and has replaced me with a girlfriend. Even though he is an insensitive jerk he will always be my superbulous BFF. (cry)

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