Saturday, August 30, 2008

Man meat

I have been a little bit more personal on my posts lately and I do not know how I feel about it.

I feel like crap.

I started out my posts with good impersonal raw-meat material. I thought that was all I was going to do.


My feminine nature slipped! I don’t know about other men, but when I write down personal information that means something deeper than a ‘that’s what she said’ remark I instantly start interrogating my self to check if I’m still straight. Society is preaching to us every day that men must be dry raw meat.

That is preposterous!

Men should not be bland raw man meat. Man meat should be medium rare. It should not just be medium rare but also very marinated and bursting with delicious flavors.

Women, get off our backs (twss) about being emotional and deep. We have every right to poor out our emotions on to paper. So even though I feel like a girly man for sharing my thoughts and feelings I will not let people turn me into raw man meat.

I strive to be lusciously marinated man meat.

End of story


Levi said...

I want some man meat!!!

Ted Kriwiel said...

I want some sam meat...twss