Tuesday, August 26, 2008



My life is like a puzzle. The hard part about this puzzle is that I my self-can rarely put the pieces together correctly. Even though I am brilliant and a master at puzzles I cannot seem to piece together the puzzle of my life. Here are the following examples in my life that I cannot piece together. First off I cannot control my future. The future is out of my reach. Even though sometimes it seems close enough to touch it will always be out of my reach.

Also relationships are another puzzle in life, and their level of difficulty is HARD. I find myself everyday screwing up relationships. I try so hard to make them work but there always seems to be kick back. I have decided to label my self a stupid jock when it comes to relationships. You would think I would figure it out by now, but no I am still clueless. The best success I have ever had in a relationship was when I stopped having relationships. The problem with that solution is that I become dry and socially ignorant. Even though to some people ignorance is bliss I don’t think I want to be an ignorant slut when it comes to people and relationships.

“Relationships screw you over” Mcvay S.

That is what I used to think of relationships yesterday, but since then I have had further revelation through circumstances that have caused me to repent of my ways. The key to relationships is to stop trying! When I try I suck. It is sad but true.

The only thing I ever try to do now is seek the Lord when it comes to relationships. I have had the most success with this equation….


The equation I used to live by was…..


Now when I say pain I’m talking frozen sledgehammer to the groin pain.

The Lord wants our attention and will let us screw up relationship after relationship until we seek HIM.

He has already put together the puzzle of your life.

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