Tuesday, October 14, 2008

There are lots of them...

Yellow brick road; paved road; dirt road; gravel rode; regular brick road; your moms road (just making sure your still with me:). My point is that there are many different roads in life, and all of these roads have different effects. Some are bumpy, and some are smooth. Some of them are dangerous in the rain and some are safe. Some lead to a happy ending and some...not so much.

I am a senior!

Sss-en-iii-or! I am really not sure how that chant went but that’s a good thing because people who know that stuff are lame.

This means I have to decide what to do with my life :o . Sorry for the lame smileys. They just emphasize how bad of a writer I really am, and I am okay with that now. I have to make a decision. This decision will and is going to affect my life significantly. I can’t just be whatever I want because that won’t support a family, because what I want is to stop school and work at a local Tire and Lube Express shop (no offense to Levi C.). It sometimes is inopportune to be a guy. Don’t get me wrong I like being a guy (I’m not gay). I just get sick of making decisions all the time, because I am very indecisive and i am afraid of failing.

Sigh of relief.

So what rode should I take? The yellow brick rode obviously leads to a happy ending, but what about the other roads. Some of them have lions, and tigers, and bears: Oh my! Seriously though I will eventually have to decide, and I honestly look forward to the challenge.

This is what I say to my future, “ Bring it on you creator of anxiety! I will no longer fear you and your malicious ways. I can take whatever you say”.

Future says, “ You have to pick a road and this decision could ruin your life foreeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeerrrrrr.”

I say, “ Oh crap”.


Robert said...
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Robert said...

I'm just spit balling here, but perhaps you don't have to make the decision.

I haven't made one directive decision since I got out of highschool and look where I am today. Waite... bad example.

Just know that many are the plans in a man's heart but God directs their steps. If you trust in the Lord and lean no upon your own understanding, acknowledge him in all your ways and he will direct your paths.

God has an amazing future for you, but it might not be pleasing to the flesh. He could have work as a janitor at McDonalds or something (highly doubt it). What job you have doesn't matter cause your purpose here on earth is the same.

Love yah bro!