Thursday, August 28, 2008

They just pal around

The definition of pal around is to become friends with and spend time with somebody

I know these two people. Their names are Emmitt and Anne. Emmitt and Anne met not long ago in a place far, far away. They first met on the streets while they were both performing for extra pennies. Considering they both had similar talents they decided to combine their skills to attract more viewers. More viewers meant more pennies. More pennies meant more fun on train tracks. So after making money out of the hood they slowly became pals. As they slowly became pals they began to go through hobbies together. Then things got a little bit crazy. Just little minor innocent hobbies became adventures. Now these adventures were not always legal, but just like any other teenage gypsies they had a desire to live on the edge. As life went on with Emmitt and Anne they found themselves being ridiculed for just hanging out.

Yeah so maybe they spent most of their time together at night looking at the stars and the moon, but that is normal for any young gypsies to do. Some people might say that they were asking for it but I say they just had similar interests.

Their spectacular shows on the street eventually came to a crashing halt. People from all around were talking about them. Wherever they went they always felt like they were being watched upon intently.

As time went on many emotional beatings progressed. None of it made since to them. According to all their gypsy friends they had to accept the gypsy label of the gypsy law. Now Emmitt and Anne did not agree with the gypsies view or the gypsy law. They were not about to accept such a label.

So Emmitt being the leader and Anne being the one who agrees decided to pray to the gypsy god for guidance. As time went on they both were patient and kept waiting for the gypsy god to speak to them in a vision or dream. Finally one night while they were both looking at the stars they saw the gypsy god form out of the stars and he started to dance and sing. He eventually gave them the advice they needed and the direction that they should go with their ‘friendship’. The god just simply warned them that they should not be alone at night gazing in wonder of the stars.

So now the two young gypsies just pal around with accountability.

To be continued….